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Is there way to pass path parameter in Mountbank

I was trying to pass path parameter using Mountebank.

Below is working, but there path is static no any parameters.

"predicates": [
              "equals": {
                "method": "GET",
                "path": "/accounts",
                "query": {
                  "permissionId": "xxx"
          "responses": [
              .....            }

In case if I need to do GET /accounts/[account-no] where account-no is a parameter


  • Below regex worked, Please note use matches in case of regex instead of equal

    "predicates": [
                  "matches": {
                    "method": "GET",
                    "path": "/accounts/\\d+",
                    "query": {
                      "permissionId": "xxx"
              "responses": [
                  .....            }