Search code examples

Caml Validation

Is this is a ligit Caml query? I am new to sharepoint.

                    <FieldRef Name="Autres_x0020_organizations"/>
                    <Value Type="Boolean">1</Value>
                    <FieldRef Name="TempPartiel"/>
                    <Value Type="Boolean">1</Value>
                        <FieldRef Name="Date_x0020_d_x0027__x00e9_ch_x00"/>
                        <FieldRef Name="Date_x0020_d_x0027__x00e9_ch_x00"/>
                        <Value Type="DateTime">
            <FieldRef Name="Ordre_x0020_des_x0020_bourses" Ascending="TRUE"/>

I know that my new column in my list is a Yes/No type. I added this sections

 <FieldRef Name="TempPartiel"/>
 <Value Type="Boolean">1</Value>


  • The caml query looks fine. Besides, here is a tool called Caml Designer would help you to build your caml query. It's very useful: