A simple way to read files line by line top to bottom:
const { once } = require('events');
const { createReadStream } = require('fs');
const { createInterface } = require('readline');
let storeProducts = async () => {
try {
const filename = path.join(__dirname, "bulk-101638307937.jsonl");
const rl = createInterface({
input: createReadStream(filename),
crlfDelay: Infinity
rl.on('line', (line) => {
// Process the line.
console.log({line: JSON.parse(line)});
await once(rl, 'close');
console.log('File processed.');
} catch (err) {
this works well. But I need to read a large jsonl file backwards line by line. I've tried this .It reads file backwards but not line by line. Any help would be appreciated.
A sample jsonl
{"id": 1, "product": "A"}
{"variant_id": 1, "product": "A"}
{"id": 2, "product": "B"}
{"variant_id": 2, "product": "B"}
{"id": 3, "product": "C"}
{"variant_id": 3, "product": "C"}
{"id": 4, "product": "D"}
{"variant_id": 4, "product": "D"}
{"variant_id": 5, "product": "D"}
The library fs-reverse should do the trick:
const fsR = require('fs-reverse');
const filename = './sample.jsonl';
const readStream = fsR(filename, {})
readStream.on('data', (line) => {
if(line) { // have this check to make sure empty lines are not parsed