My program objective: A dice game, two dice roll Everytime the player is ready. If the two numbers are equa, player gets +5 score. Else, -1 score. My trouble: my program can't change the score. It is set to 0 initially. But Everytime it's only either -1 or +5. It has to keep decreasing or increasing. I also tried global variables. Here is my code:
from random import randint
# this function returns two random numbers in list as dice result.
def roll_dice():
dice1 = randint(1, 7)
dice2 = randint(1, 7)
rolled_dice = [dice1, dice2]
return rolled_dice
# game function is all the game, if player is ready.
def game():
score = 0
rolled_dice = roll_dice()
if rolled_dice[0] != rolled_dice[1]:
score -= 1
elif rolled_dice[0] == rolled_dice[1]:
score += 5
print(f"score is {score}")
#also my code in pycharms, not asking if I want to continue game. but ignore it I it bothers you, I can figure it out.
#help here also if you can.. :)
conti = input("continue?")
if conti == 'y':
# this is the whole program.
def main():
ready = input("ready? (y/n)")
if ready == 'y':
elif ready == 'n':
print("type only y/n")
I appreciate any help.
The reset happens because you keep calling your game() function each time a user types y to continue the game. You can change your game() function to be a loop and that will solve your problem:
def game():
score = 0
while True:
rolled_dice = roll_dice()
if rolled_dice[0] != rolled_dice[1]:
score -= 1
else: # you can change here to else, because being equals is the complement of the first if clause
score += 5
print(f"score is {score}")
conti = input("continue?")
if conti == 'n':