I have a database that contains duplicated names and timestamps I want to retrieve the record whose timestamp is the lowest grouped by the name.
table : people
| Name | Timestamp |
| name1 | 0 |
| name1 | 5 |
| name2 | 2 |
| name3 | 3 |
| name2 | 1 |
With a database in this state the query should return "name2, 2" since the highest value for name2 is the lowest of the max value of all groups.
I've been thinking a lot about this since I know I've done similar queries but my SQL skills are too rusty.
Thanks to anyone that takes the time to help :)
It seems like you want the name whose greatest timestamp is the lowest: if so, you can use aggregation and limit:
select name
from people
group by name
order by max(timestamp)
limit 1
If you want to allow possible ties:
select name
from (
select name, rank() over(order by max(timestamp)) rn
from people
group by name
) t
where rn = 1
On the other hand, if you want the entire record, I would recommend distinct on
in Postgres:
select *
from (
select distinct on (name) *
from people
order by name, timestamp desc
) t
order by timestamp
limit 1