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typescript type error when passing through snapshot in react-beautiful-dnd

I am trying to use react-beautiful-dnd to create a very simple draggable list of elements. When I try to use snapshot and assign the value of snapshot.isDragging, I get an error.

I then attempted to just give it a bool in general, was still getting an error.

I get a typescript error from this saying that the property doesn't exist.

    29 |         {(provided, snapshot) => (
    30 |           <Container
  > 31 |             isDragging={false}
       |             ^
    32 |             ref={provided.innerRef}
    33 |             {...provided.draggableProps}
    34 |             {...provided.dragHandleProps}

The end goal of the code below (the part that isn't working): is to pass the isDragging attribute from snapshot into Container so that I can use styled-components on it.

The styled component portion is working (I can see it change the color when I mess around with true/false on line 31)

import React, { Component } from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";
import { Draggable } from "react-beautiful-dnd";

interface Props {
  rowEntry?: any;
  index: number;
interface State {}

const Container = styled.div`
    border:1px solid lightgrey;
    padding 8px;
    background-color: ${(props: any) =>
      props.isDragging ? "lightgreen" : "white"};

class AssetRow extends Component<Props, State> {
  state = {};

  render() {
    return (
        {(provided, snapshot) => (

export default AssetRow;

I am loosely following this guide:

However, they are doing it in javascript.


  • If anyone encounters this problem down the line, it was because of styled-components. This is what I did to fix it:

    interface ContainerProps {
      readonly isDragging: boolean;
    const Container = styled.div<ContainerProps>`
        border:1px solid lightgrey;
        padding 8px;
        background-color: ${(props) => (props.isDragging ? "lightgreen" : "white")};

    I had to create an interface for the styled.div component so that I could tell the Container that isDragging was a boolean.