I'm using the AvaloniaUI framework to build an application.
I have a viewmodel that implements IActivatableViewModel
and I am calling WhenActivated
in the viewmodel constructor. I have a method defined HandleActivation
that is called when the viewmodel is activated, and HandleDeactivation
when the viewmodel is deactivated. Everything is being called properly, there's no issues there.
It looks like this:
public abstract class MyViewModel: ViewModelBase, IActivatableViewModel
public ViewModelActivator Activator { get; }
protected MyViewModel() : base()
Activator = new ViewModelActivator();
this.WhenActivated(disposables =>
private void HandleActivation()
{ }
private void HandleDeactivation()
{ }
I also have a data service that retrieves some data from a database. The method I want to call returns a Task<T>
It looks like this:
public interface IDataService
Task<IList<UserDto>> GetActiveUsers();
What I'd like to do is call GetActiveUsers
from the HandleActivation method. I need to get the list of users and then do some post processing on them after retrieving them.
If I were doing this in an async method, I would do something like this
private async Task HandleActivation()
var users = await _dataService.GetActiveUsers();
foreach(var user in users)
//do stuff
With HandleActivation
not being an async method I'm a little confused on how to go about doing this.
Is there a way I can make HandleActivation
async, is there a "reactive" approach to this that I am missing.
I'm very new to AvaloniaUI and ReactiveUI and reactive programming itself, so I'm sure there is a "right" way to do this, but I'm having trouble figuring it out.
The pattern about handling activation and deactivation in your first code fragment matches the examples in the ReactiveUI documentation, however no one prevents you from writing the HandleActivation method to be async so it would look like this:
protected MyViewModel() : base()
Activator = new ViewModelActivator();
this.WhenActivated(disposables =>
private async Task HandleActivation()
var users = await Task<IEnumerable<UserDto>>.Factory.StartNew(() => _dataService.GetActiveUsers().Result);
foreach (var user in users)
// do stuff
The more reactive approach using observables could look like this:
protected MyViewModel() : base()
Activator = new ViewModelActivator();
this.WhenActivated(disposables =>
private void HandleActivation(CompositeDisposable disposables)
Observable.Start(() => _dataService.GetActiveUsers().Result)
.ObserveOn(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler) // schedule back to main scheduler only if the 'stuff to do' is on ui thread
.Subscribe(users => DoStuffWithTheUsers(users))
private void DoStuffWithTheUsers(IEnumerable<UserDto> users)
foreach (var user in users)
// do stuff
This would even work asynchronously if GetActiveUsers itself was a synchronous method returning IList because Observable.Start already invokes the method asynchronously. The only difference in the code example would be that ".Result" would have to be removed.