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Decreasing performance of new JVMs

The performance (throughput) of summing all elements in the array in for loop is slower on newer JVMs, than on JVM from Java 1.8.0 JDK. I performed JHM benchmark (plots below). Before each test, sources were compiled by provided javac.exe and run by java.exe, both binaries provided by selected JDK. Tests were performed on Windows 10 and launched by powershell script without any programs running in the background (no other jvms). The computer was equipped with 32GB of RAM, so virtual memory on HDD was not used.

10M elements in the array: enter image description here

100M elements in the array: JMH benchmark resulrs.

Source code of my test:

@Param({"10000000", "100000000"})
public static int ELEMENTS;

public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException, IOException {
    File outputFile = new File(args[0]);

    int javaMajorVersion = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("java.version").split("\\.")[0]);

    ChainedOptionsBuilder builder = new OptionsBuilder()

    if (javaMajorVersion > 8) {
        builder = builder.jvmArgs("-Xms20g", "-Xmx20g", "--enable-preview");
    } else {
        builder = builder.jvmArgs("-Xms20g", "-Xmx20g");

    new Runner(;

public static void cStyleForLoop(Blackhole bh, MockData data) {
    long sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < data.randomInts.length; i++) {
        sum += data.randomInts[i];


public static class MockData {
    private int[] randomInts = new int[ELEMENTS];

    public void setup() {
        Random r = new Random();
        this.randomInts = Stream.iterate(r.nextInt(), i -> i + r.nextInt(1022) + 1).mapToInt(Integer::intValue).limit(ELEMENTS).toArray();

Raw data:

JDK 1.8.0_241:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

JDK 11.0.2:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

JDK 12.0.1:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

JDK 13.0.1:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

JDK 14.0.1:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

OpenJDK 14.0.2:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

OpenJDK 15:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

Is there any valid explanation, why newer versions of Java are slower than 1.8 (except OpenJDK 15)?


I run same tests for different Xmx/Xms values (for each test Xmx == Xms), results below:

enter image description here


  • Firstly, I changed Level.Iteration to Level.Trial.
  • Secondly, I forced G1 garbage collector.
  • Thirdly, Xmx/Xms was set to 8GB

enter image description here

Raw data:

JDK 1.8.0_241:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

JDK 11.0.2:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

JDK 12.0.1:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

JDK 13.0.1:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

JDK 14.0.1:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

OpenJDK 14.0.2:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

OpenJDK 15:
"Benchmark";"Mode";"Threads";"Samples";"Score";"Score Error (99,9%)";"Unit";"Param: ELEMENTS"

I made GitHub Repository containing benchmark source code, and script to perform benchmark with JMH parameters used by me, which automatically generates plots in png format. Additionally I performed benchmark on other machine (Linux).
Results from Linux machine seems to be more optimistic: enter image description here

Unfortunately, on my Windows machine, results still show decreasing performance (excluding JDK 15).

UPDATE 4: Results with -XX:-UseCountedLoopSafepoints: enter image description here


  • Even after copying your benchmark verbatim from GitHub and running with the same parameters, I still cannot reproduce the results. In my environment, JDK 14 performs as fast as JDK 8 (even a little bit faster). So, in this answer I'll analyze the difference between both versions basing on the disassembly of the compiled code.

    First, let's take the most recent OpenJDK builds from the same vendor.
    Here I compare Liberica JDK 8u265+1 and Liberica JDK 14.0.2+13 for Windows 64 bit.

    JMH scores are the following:

    Benchmark                         (ELEMENTS)   Mode  Cnt    Score   Error  Units
    IteratingBenchmark.cStyleForLoop    10000000  thrpt   30  263,137 ± 0,484  ops/s  # JDK 8
    IteratingBenchmark.cStyleForLoop    10000000  thrpt   30  264,406 ± 0,788  ops/s  # JDK 14

    Now let's run JMH with built-in -prof xperfasm profiler to see the disassembly of the hottest part of the benchmark. Expectedly, ~99.5% CPU time is spent in C2-compiled cStyleForLoop method.

    Hottest region on JDK 8

    ....[Hottest Region 1]..............................................................................
    C2, level 4, codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop, version 574 (71 bytes) 
                 0x0000028c5607fc5f: add     r10d,0fffffff9h
                 0x0000028c5607fc63: lea     rax,[r12+rcx*8]
                 0x0000028c5607fc67: mov     ebx,80000000h
                 0x0000028c5607fc6c: cmp     r9d,r10d
                 0x0000028c5607fc6f: cmovl   r10d,ebx
                 0x0000028c5607fc73: mov     r9d,1h
                 0x0000028c5607fc79: cmp     r10d,1h
             ╭   0x0000028c5607fc7d: jle     28c5607fccch
             │   0x0000028c5607fc7f: nop                       ;*lload_2
             │                                                 ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@15 (line 25)
      0,07%  │↗  0x0000028c5607fc80: movsxd  rbx,dword ptr [rax+r9*4+10h]
      0,06%  ││  0x0000028c5607fc85: add     rbx,r8
      8,93%  ││  0x0000028c5607fc88: movsxd  rcx,r9d
      0,41%  ││  0x0000028c5607fc8b: movsxd  r8,dword ptr [rax+rcx*4+2ch]
     25,02%  ││  0x0000028c5607fc90: movsxd  rdi,dword ptr [rax+rcx*4+14h]
      0,10%  ││  0x0000028c5607fc95: movsxd  rsi,dword ptr [rax+rcx*4+18h]
      8,56%  ││  0x0000028c5607fc9a: movsxd  rbp,dword ptr [rax+rcx*4+28h]
      0,58%  ││  0x0000028c5607fc9f: movsxd  r13,dword ptr [rax+rcx*4+1ch]
      0,41%  ││  0x0000028c5607fca4: movsxd  r14,dword ptr [rax+rcx*4+20h]
      0,20%  ││  0x0000028c5607fca9: movsxd  rcx,dword ptr [rax+rcx*4+24h]
      8,85%  ││  0x0000028c5607fcae: add     rdi,rbx
      0,38%  ││  0x0000028c5607fcb1: add     rsi,rdi
      0,15%  ││  0x0000028c5607fcb4: add     r13,rsi
      8,57%  ││  0x0000028c5607fcb7: add     r14,r13
     13,76%  ││  0x0000028c5607fcba: add     rcx,r14
      5,51%  ││  0x0000028c5607fcbd: add     rbp,rcx
      8,50%  ││  0x0000028c5607fcc0: add     r8,rbp            ;*ladd
             ││                                                ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@24 (line 25)
      8,95%  ││  0x0000028c5607fcc3: add     r9d,8h            ;*iinc
             ││                                                ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@26 (line 24)
      0,40%  ││  0x0000028c5607fcc7: cmp     r9d,r10d
             │╰  0x0000028c5607fcca: jl      28c5607fc80h      ;*if_icmpge
             │                                                 ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@12 (line 24)
             ↘   0x0000028c5607fccc: cmp     r9d,edx
                 0x0000028c5607fccf: jnl     28c5607fce4h
                 0x0000028c5607fcd1: nop                       ;*lload_2
                                                               ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@15 (line 25)
                 0x0000028c5607fcd4: movsxd  r10,dword ptr [rax+r9*4+10h]
                 0x0000028c5607fcd9: add     r8,r10            ;*ladd
                                                               ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@24 (line 25)

    Hottest region on JDK 14

    ....[Hottest Region 1]..............................................................................
    c2, level 4, codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop, version 622 (147 bytes) 
                                                                             ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@23 (line 25)
                   0x000001e844438f72:   mov     r11d,r10d
                   0x000001e844438f75:   add     r11d,0fffffff9h
                   0x000001e844438f79:   lea     rax,[r12+r9*8]
                   0x000001e844438f7d:   mov     ebx,1h
                   0x000001e844438f82:   cmp     r11d,1h
                   0x000001e844438f86:   jle     1e8444390c0h                ;*goto {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
                                                                             ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@29 (line 24)
             ╭     0x000001e844438f8c:   jmp     1e844438ffah
             │     0x000001e844438f8e:   nop
      0,04%  │↗    0x000001e844438f90:   mov     rsi,r8                      ;*lload_2 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
             ││                                                              ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@15 (line 25)
      0,04%  ││ ↗  0x000001e844438f93:   movsxd  rdx,dword ptr [rax+rbx*4+10h]
      8,41%  ││ │  0x000001e844438f98:   movsxd  rbp,dword ptr [rax+rbx*4+14h]
      1,23%  ││ │  0x000001e844438f9d:   movsxd  r13,dword ptr [rax+rbx*4+18h]
      0,03%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fa2:   movsxd  r8,dword ptr [rax+rbx*4+2ch]
     23,87%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fa7:   movsxd  r11,dword ptr [rax+rbx*4+28h]
      8,22%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fac:   movsxd  r9,dword ptr [rax+rbx*4+24h]
      1,25%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fb1:   movsxd  rcx,dword ptr [rax+rbx*4+20h]
      0,14%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fb6:   movsxd  r14,dword ptr [rax+rbx*4+1ch]
      0,28%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fbb:   add     rdx,rsi
      7,82%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fbe:   add     rbp,rdx
      1,14%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fc1:   add     r13,rbp
      0,17%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fc4:   add     r14,r13
     14,57%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fc7:   add     rcx,r14
     11,05%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fca:   add     r9,rcx
      5,26%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fcd:   add     r11,r9
      6,32%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fd0:   add     r8,r11                      ;*ladd {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
             ││ │                                                            ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@24 (line 25)
      8,45%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fd3:   add     ebx,8h                      ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
             ││ │                                                            ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@26 (line 24)
      1,15%  ││ │  0x000001e844438fd6:   cmp     ebx,edi
             │╰ │  0x000001e844438fd8:   jl      1e844438f90h                ;*if_icmpge {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
             │  │                                                            ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@12 (line 24)
             │  │  0x000001e844438fda:   mov     r11,qword ptr [r15+110h]    ; ImmutableOopMap {rax=Oop xmm0=Oop xmm1=Oop }
             │  │                                                            ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
             │  │                                                            ; - (reexecute) codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@29 (line 24)
      0,00%  │  │  0x000001e844438fe1:   test    dword ptr [r11],eax         ;*goto {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
             │  │                                                            ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@29 (line 24)
             │  │                                                            ;   {poll}
      0,02%  │  │  0x000001e844438fe4:   cmp     ebx,dword ptr [rsp]
             │ ╭│  0x000001e844438fe7:   jnl     1e844439028h
      0,00%  │ ││  0x000001e844438fe9:   mov     rsi,r8
             │ ││  0x000001e844438fec:   vmovq   r8,xmm0
             │ ││  0x000001e844438ff1:   vmovq   rdx,xmm1
      0,01%  │ ││  0x000001e844438ff6:   mov     r11d,dword ptr [rsp]
             ↘ ││  0x000001e844438ffa:   mov     ecx,r10d
               ││  0x000001e844438ffd:   sub     ecx,ebx
               ││  0x000001e844438fff:   add     ecx,0fffffff9h
      0,00%    ││  0x000001e844439002:   mov     r9d,1f40h
               ││  0x000001e844439008:   cmp     r9d,ecx
               ││  0x000001e84443900b:   mov     edi,1f40h
               ││  0x000001e844439010:   cmovnle edi,ecx
      0,02%    ││  0x000001e844439013:   add     edi,ebx
               ││  0x000001e844439015:   vmovq   xmm0,r8
               ││  0x000001e84443901a:   vmovq   xmm1,rdx
               ││  0x000001e84443901f:   mov     dword ptr [rsp],r11d
      0,01%    │╰  0x000001e844439023:   jmp     1e844438f93h
               ↘   0x000001e844439028:   vmovq   rdx,xmm1
                   0x000001e84443902d:   cmp     ebx,r10d
                   0x000001e844439030:   jnl     1e844439043h
                   0x000001e844439032:   nop                                 ;*lload_2 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
                                                                             ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@15 (line 25)
                   0x000001e844439034:   movsxd  r11,dword ptr [rax+rbx*4+10h]
                   0x000001e844439039:   add     r8,r11                      ;*ladd {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
                                                                             ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@24 (line 25)
                   0x000001e84443903c:   inc     ebx                         ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
                                                                             ; - codes.dbg.IteratingBenchmark::cStyleForLoop@26 (line 24)

    As we can see, the loop body is compiled similarly on both JDKs:

    • 8 loop iterations are unrolled;
    • there are 8 loads from the array without bounds check, followed by 8 add instructions;
    • the order of loads is a bit different, but all the addresses share the same or the adjacent cache line anyway.

    The key difference is that on JDK 14 the loop iteration is split into two nested blocks. This is a result of Loop strip mining optimization appeared in JDK 10. The idea of this optimization is to split the counted loop into the hot inner part without a safepoint poll, and an outer part with a safepoint poll instruction.

    C2 JIT transforms the loop into something like

        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i += 8000) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 8000; j += 8) {
                int ix = i + j;
                int v0 = array[ix];
                int v1 = array[ix + 1];
                int v7 = array[ix + 7];
                sum += v0 + v1 + ... + v7;

    Note that JDK 8 version does not have a safepoint poll inside the counted loop at all. On one hand, this can make the loop run faster. But on the other hand, this is actually bad for low latency applications, since the pause time may increase by the duration of the entire loop.

    JDK 14 inserts a safepoint poll inside the loop. This might be a reason of a slow down you observe, but I don't really belive in this, since due to loop strip mining optimization, the safepoint polling is performed just once in 8000 iterations.

    To verify this, you may disable safepoint polling with -XX:-UseCountedLoopSafepoints JVM option. In this case, JDK 14 compiled version will look almost identical to JDK 8 one. And so will the benchmark scores.