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How to select one random id from the child table?

I am using 10.4.13-MariaDB. I have a parent table and a child table.

Parent table (tasks)

id parent_id
4    # <- Main (parent theme) Level 2
5    4 <- child `discovered check` (level 2)
6    4 <- child  `windmill`  (level 2)
7    # <- Main (parent theme) Level 3
8    7 <- child `discovered check - level 3` (level 3)
9    7 <- child  `windmill - level 3`  (level 3)
10    # <- Main (parent theme) Level 1
11    10 <- child `discovered check - winning a piece` (level 1)
12    10 <- child  `discovered check - mate in one`  (level 1)

In interface it looks like

enter image description here

And I have a child table (puzzles) - puzzles table - puzzles can belong only to child themes

 id      task_id
 52         5 <- belongs to `discovered check` (level 2)
 61         6 <- belongs to `windmill` (level 2)
 25         6 <- belongs to `windmill` (level 2)
 70         11 <- belongs to `discovered check - winning a piece` (level 1)
 53         12 <- belongs to `discovered check - mate in 1` (level 1)
 62         9 <- belongs to `windmill - level 3` (level 3)
 27         9 <- belongs to `windmill - level 3` - (level 3)
 72         8 <- belongs to `discovered check - level 3` - (level 3)

I want to get ONE random PUZZLE from EACH LEVEL. How to write a proper query?

Expected result:

task_id  id
  5      52 <- random puzzle from level 2
  11     70 <- random puzzle from level 1
  8      72 <- random puzzle from level 3

My fiddle:


  • With ROW_NUMBER() window function:

    with cte as (
      select p.*, row_number() over (partition by t.parent_id order by rand()) rn
      from puzzles p inner join tasks t  
      on = p.task_id
    select task_id, id
    from cte 
    where rn = 1 

    See the demo.

    Partition of row_number() should be by the column parent_id of tasks, so the result has 1 row for each theme.