I am playing with quarkus and jaeger by opentracing integration. After run the jaeger server and the https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-quickstarts/tree/master/opentracing-quickstart repo I found the traces at http://localhost:16686/search. But I only found the Resource class, arguments, and Process name , but the "Logs" is not shown on trace detail expand.
The steps are easy:
1.Run jaeger server docker run --rm=true --name erp_jaeger_server -e COLLECTOR_ZIPKIN_HTTP_PORT=9411 -p 5775:5775/udp -p 6831:6831/udp -p 6832:6832/udp -p 5778:5778 -p 16686:16686 -p 14268:14268 -p 9411:9411 jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
clone the example repo and run it
(no further configuration)
run-> mvn quarkus:dev
visit http://localhost:8080/hello/
5.Explore on jaeger ui 'http://localhost:16686/'
6.Found the traces Tags, and Process Details but detailes content Log.info('hello') is not shown
I was trying with @Slfj but i got the same result
Thanks in advance.
By default, OpenTracing doesn't log automatically into span logs, only important messages that Jaeger feels it needs to be logged and is needed for tracing would be there :). The idea is to separate responsibilities between Tracing and Log management, Check this GitHub discussion.
An alternative would be to use centralized log management and print traceId & spanId into your logs for troubleshooting and correlating logs and tracing.