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How do I get value from ValuesView? Trying to make sense of Dialogflow response for my bot

I'm trying to create a bot using DialogFlow, Twilio and Flask but I'm currently stuck at something that show seem easy but couldn't find a lot of answers.

Basically I fetch de json answer from Dialogflow using the function below:

def fetch_reply(query, session_id):
    #gets response from DialogFlow
    response = detect_intent_from_text(query, session_id)
    resp = {}
    #Understading response and seeting it to a dictionary
    resp['parameters'] = response.parameters.fields.values()
    return resp

I printed the full response, and it gives me the following:

query_text: "Tim\303\243o"
parameters {
  fields {
    key: "soccerteams"
    value {
      string_value: "Corinthians"
all_required_params_present: true
fulfillment_messages {
  text {
    text: ""
intent {
  name: "projects/whatsappbotsports-ylml/agent/intents/e7bcf0f5-d37f-4c8b-81ad-09579fded36a"
  display_name: "Default Team Request"
intent_detection_confidence: 1.0
language_code: "pt-br"

but when I print the resp['parameter'] my result is:

ValuesView({'soccerteams': string_value: "Corinthians"

All I need to access is "Corinthians", or the value of string_value, but I can't find a way to do it. If I try to use resp['parameter'].value or resp['parameter'].string_value it gives me that ValuesView doesn't have this attributes.

Any idea how to do it?


  • That's some very strange output that you have. It's not a JSON, since the keys don't have quotes around them.

    Can you try something like this?

    import json
    from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
    def fetch_reply(query, session_id):
        #gets response from DialogFlow
        response = detect_intent_from_text(query, session_id)
        # trying to parse json
        soccerteams = response.parameters.fields["soccerteams"]
        soccerteams_json = json.loads(MessageToJson(soccerteams))
        return soccerteams_json

    and then try to get the value from json.

    That's just my try to adapt this code: Get Dialogflow context parameters from a follow up intent in Python

    Let me know if it worked. If not, please send some output.