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What is the difference between Strategy pattern and Visitor Pattern?

I have trouble understanding these two design patterns.

Can you please give me contextual information or an example so I can get a clear idea and be able to map the difference between the two of them.


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enter image description here


  • A Visitor is a strategy but with multiple methods and it allows Double dispatch. The Visitor also allows for safe binding between two concrete objects at runtime.

    Note: This is an example written in Java. For example C# introduced the dynamic keyword, therefor the example of double dispatch is not useful in C#.

    Strategy pattern

    Consider the following example and the output:

    package DesignPatterns;
    public class CarGarageStrategyDemo 
        public static interface RepairStrategy
            public void repair(Car car);
        public static interface Car
            public String getName();
            public void repair(RepairStrategy repairStrategy);
        public static class PorscheRepairStrategy implements RepairStrategy
            public void repair(Car car) {
                System.out.println("Repairing " + car.getName() + " with the Porsche repair strategy");
        public static class FerrariRepairStrategy implements RepairStrategy
            public void repair(Car car) {
                System.out.println("Repairing " + car.getName() + " with the Ferrari repair strategy");
        public static class Porsche implements Car
            public String getName()
                return "Porsche";
            public void repair(RepairStrategy repairStrategy) {
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Car porsche = new Porsche();
   PorscheRepairStrategy()); //Repairing Porsche with the porsche repair strategy

    The Strategy pattern is working fine if there is no direct relationship between the strategy and the subject. For example, we don't want the following to happen:

        public static void main(String[] args)
            Car porsche = new Porsche();
   FerrariRepairStrategy()); //We cannot repair a Porsche as a Ferrari!

    So in this case we can use the visitor pattern.


    The problem

    Consider the code below:

    public class CarGarageVisitorProblem
        public static interface Car
            public String getName();
        public static class Porsche implements Car
            public String getName()
                return "Porsche";
        public static class Ferrari implements Car
            public String getName()
                return "Ferrari";
        public void repair(Car car)
            System.out.println("Applying a very generic and abstract repair");
        public void repair(Porsche car)
            System.out.println("Applying a very specific Porsche repair");
        public void repair(Ferrari car)
            System.out.println("Applying a very specific Ferrari repair");
        public static void main(String[] args)
            CarGarageVisitorProblem garage = new CarGarageVisitorProblem();
            Porsche porsche = new Porsche();
  ; //Applying a very specific Porsche repair

    The output is Applying a very specific Porsche repair. The problem is that this line is not abstract, but concrete:

    Porsche porsche = new Porsche();

    We want to write it as (or inject an instance of Car in the constructor, we want to apply the Dependency Inversion Principle):

    Car porsche = new Porsche();

    But when we change this line, the output will be:

    Applying a very generic and abstract repair

    Not what we want!

    The solution; using double dispatch (and the Visitor pattern)

    package DesignPatterns;
    public class CarGarageVisitorExample 
        public static interface Car
            public String getName();
            public void repair(RepairVisitorInterface repairVisitor);
        public static class Porsche implements Car
            public String getName()
                return "Porsche";
            public void repair(RepairVisitorInterface repairVisitor)
        public static class Ferrari implements Car
            public String getName()
                return "Ferrari";
            public void repair(RepairVisitorInterface repairVisitor)
        public static interface RepairVisitorInterface
            public void repair(Car car);
            public void repair(Porsche car);
            public void repair(Ferrari car);
        public static class RepairVisitor implements RepairVisitorInterface
            public void repair(Car car)
                System.out.println("Applying a very generic and abstract repair");
            public void repair(Porsche car)
                System.out.println("Applying a very specific Porsche repair");
            public void repair(Ferrari car)
                System.out.println("Applying a very specific Ferrari repair");
        public static void main(String[] args)
            CarGarageVisitor garage = new CarGarageVisitor();
            Car porsche = new Porsche();
   RepairVisitor()); //Applying a very specific Porsche repair

    Because of method overloading, there is a concrete binding between the visitor and the subject (Car). There is no way a Porsche can be repaired as a Ferrari, since it uses method overloading. Also we solved the previously explained problem (that we cannot use Dependency Inversion), by implementing this method:

    public void repair(RepairVisitorInterface repairVisitor)

    The this reference will return the concrete type of the object, not the abstract (Car) type.