I am new to Angular and UI-Router and I have to work with an Angular codebase. I am having difficulty understanding how the params
gets mapped to the url. Specifically how topics
get injected as topic
in /test?topic&manualMode&advancedMode
I cannot seem to find the place where I can log out the intermediate value to see how the url gets constructed.
function StateConfig(
$stateProvider: angular.ui.IStateProvider,
breadcrumbsService: BreadcrumbsService
) {
$stateProvider.state("testHub", {
params: {
topics: null
url: "/test?topic&manualMode&advancedMode",
views: {
main: {
'<div class="hubContent"><iot-mqtt-client-config></iot-mqtt-client-config></div>'
sidebar: {
controller: HelpControllerTutorial,
controllerAs: "vm",
templateUrl: "pages/mqtt/mqtt-client-help.html"
breadcrumbsService.addConfig("testHub", {
name: (i18n: I18nService) => i18n("text.test"),
parentState: null,
reconstructBreadcrumbPath: true
This should work for you in app.js:
.state('testHub', {
url: "/test/:topic/:manualMode/:advancedMode", // added for dynamic ID params
Then your ui-sref in substances.html will append the ( topic or manualMode or advancedMode ) to the url, and you will be able to access that in your controller in $stateParams