I ran into an issue where i tried displaying a display box after a countdown reached a certain time but for some odd reason it replicates with each second despite it having already passed the initial time it was supposed to appear. This is what i tried to do but now the timer has stopped and the time remaining column has stopped runng.
public partial class Form1 : Form
private List<CSession> sessionlist = new List<CSession>();
private TimeSpan workingTimeSpan = new TimeSpan();
private TimeSpan fiveMinutes = new TimeSpan(0,1,0);
private TimeSpan oneSecond = new TimeSpan(0,0,1);
public Form1()
timer1.Enabled = true;
private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void AddTime_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
workingTimeSpan += fiveMinutes;
private void DisplayWorkingTimeSpan()
TimerLabel.Text = workingTimeSpan.ToString();
private void DecreaseTime_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TimeSpan fiveMinutes = new TimeSpan(0,5,0);
workingTimeSpan -= fiveMinutes;
private void Confirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
CSession newSession = new CSession();
if(PasswordText.Text == "")
MessageBox.Show("Password not entered");
newSession.password = PasswordText.Text;
newSession.purchased_time = workingTimeSpan;
newSession.remaining_time = workingTimeSpan;
newSession.status = "Online";
PasswordText.Text = "";
TimerLabel.Text = "";
workingTimeSpan = new TimeSpan();
private void DisplayAllSessions()
foreach(CSession c in sessionlist)
string[] row = { c.password, c.purchased_time.ToString(), c.remaining_time.ToString(), c.status };
ListViewItem i = new ListViewItem(row);
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach(CSession c in sessionlist)
if (c.remaining_time.TotalMinutes == 5)
MessageBox.Show("Time almost up for client.");
if (c.remaining_time.TotalSeconds < 1)
c.status = "Offline";
if(c.status == "Online")
c.remaining_time -= oneSecond;
private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Add a flag that gets toggled when you display the message, so you won't display it again:
private bool MessageDisplayed = false;
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach(CSession c in sessionlist)
if (c.remaining_time.TotalMinutes == 5 && !MessageDisplayed) // <-- check the flag
MessageDisplayed = true;
MessageBox.Show("Time almost up for client.");
if (c.remaining_time.TotalSeconds < 1)
c.status = "Offline";
if(c.status == "Online")
c.remaining_time -= oneSecond;
Now you can leave the timer running and your message will only appear once.