I'm new to PyMOL, and I'm trying to write a python script that will generate a .txt file and save a PyMOL command output to it. Let's say it has an array containing names of pdb files and a for loop that aligns each one to some specific protein:
pdb = ["191L", "192L", "193L", "194L"]
for i in pdb:
cmd.align(i, "190L")
PyMOL will calculate the RMSD for each alignment. How can I write my script so that it will take each RMSD and save it to a text file?
Here's what I have so far:
def get_rmsd():
for i in pdb:
output = open("rmsd.txt", "w")
data = cmd.align(i, "190L")
data = str(data)
When I call the function on PyMOL, it fetches and aligns the file like it's supposed to, but no text file is created.
Figured out the answer to my own question, the solution was embarrassingly easy lol.
Assign variables to each desired output, e.g.:
output = cmd.align("190L", "191L")
Run the script in PyMOL as is, then feed the python code into it line by line, beginning with "python" and closing with "python end." In my case, something like:
with open("rmsd.txt", "w") as f:
python end
A really basic example but that's the gist of it.