I can currently use curl -u "oauth2accesstoken:token-value" https://gcr.io/v2/_catalog
to fetch the list of containers in my registry, is there a way to do this through a web app?
I have tried using fetch('https://us.gcr.io/v2/_catalog',{method:'GET', headers:header }).then(res=>console.log(res)).catch(err=>console.log(err));
but keep getting 405 CORS error. Am I doing someting wrong or is this just impossible?
My header is header.set('Authorization', 'Basic ' + btoa(username + ":" + password));
So I got it working by setting up a proxy server using ExpressJs which made a HTTP call to the us.gcr.io. Then, I made a call from my react app to the express app and was able to get the data :)