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extract and merge several shapefiles from zipfile without saving to disc

First time I work with zipfiles in Python :-/

The task at hand is the following (main requirement is not writing anything to disc)

given this url:

  • get the zipfile
  • extract shapefiles from zip arcvhie which contain Africa in the file name.
  • merge all files into one shapefile (read all files into geopandas).
  • convert to geoJson.

This is the structure of the code I have so far - but I keep getting an attribute error

AttributeError: 'ZipFile' object has no attribute 'seek'

import io
import zipfile
import pandas as pd     
import geopandas as gpd 

# util funcs
is_africa = lambda string: "Africa" in string                                
is_shape = lambda string: string.endswith('shp')

# get_zip() defined in module
filebytes = io.BytesIO(get_zip(url=URL).content)  

# get the zipfile object
myzipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filebytes)
# instantiate empty list where to store the shapefiles of interest.      
shapefiles = []

# below code adapted from:                                                                                               
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'r') as zf:                               
    for file_name in zf.namelist():                                      
        if is_africa(file_name) and is_shape(file_name):                 
            data =                                    

# below code adapted from                                                                         
gdf_africa = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([gpd.read_file(i) for i in shapefiles], 

gdf_africa.to_file("output.json", driver="GeoJSON")


  • This code requests the ZipFile from the URL, reads the ZipFile into a stream and extract the names of the ShapeFiles for Africa.

    from zipfile import ZipFile
    import requests
    # util funcs
    is_africa = lambda string: "Africa" in string
    is_shape = lambda string: string.endswith('shp')
    # instantiate empty list where to store the shapefiles of interest.
    africa_data = []
    response = requests.get('')
    with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content)) as zf:
        for file_name in zf.namelist():
           if is_africa(file_name) and is_shape(file_name):
             # Output
             ALL_HFIC/ALL_HFIC/East Africa/EA_200907_CS.shp
             ALL_HFIC/ALL_HFIC/East Africa/EA_200910_CS.shp
             ALL_HFIC/ALL_HFIC/East Africa/EA_201001_CS.shp
             ALL_HFIC/ALL_HFIC/East Africa/EA_201004_CS.shp

    I have never worked with ShapeFiles or geopandas. I have spent the last 4 hours trying to understand how to use these. I was able to output a JSON file, but I'm unsure if the data within this JSON file meets your needs.

    # util funcs
    is_africa = lambda string: "Africa" in string
    is_shape = lambda string: string.endswith('shp')
    # instantiate empty list where to store the shapefiles of interest.
    africa_data = []
    response = requests.get('')
    with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content)) as zf:
        for file_name in zf.namelist():
           if is_africa(file_name) and is_shape(file_name):
             reader = shapefile.Reader(file_name)
             fields = reader.fields[1:]
             field_names = [field[0] for field in fields]
             for sr in reader.shapeRecords():
                atr = dict(zip(field_names, sr.record))
                geom = sr.shape.__geo_interface__
                africa_data.append(dict(type="Feature", geometry=geom, properties=atr))
        geojson = open("african_geo_data.json", "w")
        geojson.write(dumps({"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": africa_data}, indent=2) + "\n")

    Sample Out from the JSON file:

      "type": "FeatureCollection",
      "features": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "geometry": {
          "type": "MultiPolygon",
           "coordinates": [
              "properties": {
              "CS": 4.0,
              "HA0": 0.0