Motivation: answer the following question: the sum of 2 men's height is 4 meters, what's the most probable height of each man ?
I'm trying to model this using STAN (it might be overkill for this use case, but the goal is to have a general framework from which I can extend), and I assume that people's height is Normal(1.8, 0.2).
I've come up with the following .stan code, but when I look at the results, it seems that the constraint of the sum isn't taken into account. What am I doing wrong ?
data {
parameters {
real y1;
real y2;
transformed parameters {
real S;
S = y1+y2;
S = 4;
model {
y1 ~ normal(1.8,0.2);
y2 ~ normal(1.8,0.2);
#load libraries
#the model
pars = c("y1", "y2", "S"))
#plotting the posterior distribution for the parameters
post_beta<-As.mcmc.list(heights,pars=c("y1", "y2", "S"))
A simple solution to create a constraint between parameters is to express one of the parameters as a transform of the other. This solution keeps things very simple and flexible:
data {
parameters {
real y1;
transformed parameters {
real y2;
y2 = 4-y1;
model {
y1 ~ normal(1.8,0.2);
y2 ~ normal(1.8,0.2);