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gforth : how to check a variable is set with arg value

gforth : how to check a variable is set

I currently set a variable from command line like :

: functionname
    variable !

so it gets its value from

gforth -e"5" myfile.fs 

but then I would ensure the variable is set by a default value even if user runs

gforth myfile.fs

how can I check variable is set ? (then I can give it a default value in a if statement)


  • finally I changed method for reading the parameter :

    first the function is now like :

    : valorise_hauteur                                                                                                                                                           
            argc @ 2 < if                           
                    ." no argument using default 5 value"
                    5 hauteur !
                    1 arg s>number drop hauteur !

    and I can call the full script :

    gforth myscript.fs 10

    where 10 is my arg number 1 this method is more command line way to do that & permit to use a default value.