I have been using LESS for years and am only just trying out SASS. I am having trouble with a very basic thing so I hope someone can help me out.
What I want to achieve is:
I have got it to work with @import, but because that is (going to be) deprecated I want to use @use instead. According to https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/use that should be possible.
My file setup is like this:
|- style
|- _definitions.scss
|- theme.scss
|- components
|- component.scss
Then I have this in the files:
// theme.scss
@use 'definitions';
@use 'components/component.scss';
// _definitions.scss
$base-color: blue;
// components/component.scss
body {
background: $base-color;
But this doesn't work: my compiler (I'm using Prepros) just says it can't find the variable $base-color. :( Note: if I replace @use by @import it works just fine.
will never be depricated. Sass' devs are a sleepy bunch of ****. @use
is only supported by Dart-Sass yet, I assume you are using Node-Sass, which most are. Therefor you need to use @import
, which makes in most use cases no difference.
You can find the info right under the heading, its the first line, virtually everbody skips.