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Is there a way to use latex expression of chemarr for `gitbook` format of bookdown package?

I would like to use latex expression of chemarr for gitbook format of bookdown package.

  [C] + [R] 
  [CR] + [C] 

For PDF format, there is no problem of displaying the equation.


On the other hand, for gitbook format there is an error message.


It's mainly because I cannot define the following yaml header for gitbook format.

  - \usepackage{chemarr}

Is there a way to use latex expression of chemarr for gitbook format of bookdown package? If it's impossible, is there a way to use include_graphics function and add equation numbering (say, 19.16 in this example)?


  • Yihui Xie already gave a good hint to the solution:

    Put this code into your document (where you want the equation to appear):

      [C] + [R] 
      [CR] + [C] 

    Needs to use the arrow of mhchem instead of chemarr since only the first is part of MathJax. But I think it should anyway be basically the same.

    This method should work for all Latex commands supported by MathJax (