I've came across this snippet of code on a book:
public static short countBits(int x) {
short numBit = 0;
while(x != 0) {
numBit += (x&1);
x >>>= 1;
return numBit;
However, I'm not really sure how numBit += (x&1);
and x >>>= 1
I think that numBit += (x&1)
is comparing AND for a single digit and 1. Does it mean that if my binary number is 10001, the function is ANDing the 1000"1" bit with 1 on the first iteration of the while loop?
Also, what's the point of >>>= 1 ? I think that ">>>" is shifting the bits to the right by three but I can't figure out the purpose of doing so in this function.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
This function counts the number of bits that are set to "1". x & 1
is a bitwise-AND with the least significant bit of x
's current value (either 1 if x
is odd, or 0 if it's even). As such it makes perfect sense to add it to result. x >>>= 1
is equivalent to x = x >> 1
and this means "shift bits in x
by 1 position to the right" (or, for unsigned integers, divide x
by 2).