When building a signed release APK I'm getting following error:
Type de.codereddev.wordup.database.WordDao_Impl$5 is defined multiple times:
This Room DAO definition comes from a library I created myself.
Looking into the .jar
file I can find this:
This only happens on release. I can still build and run debug without any problems.
Unfortunately I can't find the error. Hopefully anyone here might have a hint for me.
I first assumed it might be due to the fact that the library contains a standard definition of a Room database and my application using the library contains its own custom definition holding the same DAOs. So annotation processors would maybe process the DAOs twice. But I couldn't check this properly.
If it's important to know: I'm also using Koin for dependency injection.
Unfortunately I don't exactly know the reason but I got the library working by removing the Room kaptCompiler from the library and instead only have it in the app that is using the library.