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Choose profile picture from Cloudinary

I would like to allow my users to choose a picture while they are signing-in. The thing is I don't want them to take a picture from their own computer. I would like them to choose pictures from a selection from Cloudinary.

Here is my first hypothesis :

I thought about creating a table, this table (name: Blason) could contain all my pictures. Add a line to my table user, blason_id. Then when my user sign-in, I add to the simple_form_for, :blason_id ["urlcloudinary"]

Second hypothesis :

Directly through the sign-in form allow them to choose from my selection of pictures from cloudinary. But I don't know how to realize this and by the way if it's possible.

Thank you by advance.


  • I would definitely create a Blason Model (and the associated table in the DB) with a user_id. I would seeds all the blasons and use an association input in my User creation simple_form_for:

    <%= f.association :blason, collection: { |blason| cl_image_tag }, as: :radio_buttons %>