difficulty to find the error in webassembly(client side) blazor
I am calling server side(blazor server app) webapi in client side((blazor webassembly app))
first I create a blazor server app project and then use built in webapi framework for crud operation
when I calling the webapi in client side then very very difficulty to find the error
then I create a blazor webassembly project and then add this below razor page inside pages folder
@page "/DisplayEmployeeData"
@using CrudBlazorServerApp.Data
@using System.Net.Http
@inject HttpClient Http
@if (empList == null)
<table class='table'>
@foreach (var emp in empList)
@code {
Emp[] empList;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() =>
empList = await Http.GetJsonAsync<Emp[]>("api/emps/"); //**here I put the debugger but emplist give the null**
what type error?
my webapi path is wrong?
see my console log very very difficulty to find the error?
The error is about <
not being the valid start of a Json response, which indeed it isn't.
You are getting back an HTML page (with error information, probably).
From the text I gather that you created 2 separate projects. That means "api/emps/"
cannot be a valid route. Your API and Client are probably running on localhost:xxxx and localhost:yyyy .
When you have fixed that routing you will probably run into a CORS problem, configure it on your server.
Be aware that a basic setup for this is provided when you create a Blazor Webassembly app and check the 'Hosted' box.
empList = await Http.GetJsonAsync<Emp[]>("https://localhost:44333/api/emps");
and in your server Startup.Configure()
app.UseCors(policy =>
policy.WithOrigins("https://localhost:44399") // client address