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Why is Status 'non subscriptable' and how do I fix it? Python Tweepy

I am trying to use the code I made below to fetch the media url of a video in a tweet when someone replies to that tweet with my @handle:

import tweepy
from tweepy import Stream
from tweepy.streaming import StreamListener
import json

class StdOutListener(StreamListener):
    def on_data(self, data):
        clean_data = json.loads(data)
        tweetId = clean_data['id']
        tweet_name = clean_data['user']['screen_name']
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("consumer_key", "consumer_secret")
            auth.set_access_token("access_token", "access_token_secret")
            api = tweepy.API(auth)
            mediaupload_id = clean_data['in_reply_to_status_id']
            origtweet_media = api.get_status(mediaupload_id)
            native_media = origtweet_media['extended_entities']['media'][0]['video_info']
            tweet_media = native_media['variants'][0]['url']

def setUpAuth():
    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("consumer_key", "consumer_secret")
    auth.set_access_token("access_token", "access_token_secret")
    api = tweepy.API(auth)
    return api, auth

def followStream():
    api, auth = setUpAuth()
    listener = StdOutListener()
    stream = Stream(auth, listener)
    stream.filter(track=["@YOUR_TWITTER_HANDLE"], is_async=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Everything seems to be set up well, but when I run the code, and someone replies to a tweet with a video in it (the person replying mentioning my @handle), I get this error:

Exception has occurred: TypeError
'Status' object is not subscriptable
    native_media = origtweet_media['extended_entities']['media'][0]['video_info']

Why is 'Status' non-subscriptable? And is there a way I can fix this issue, so it successfully grabs the video url (tweet_media)?

Someone please help me!



    After closely looking at the printed origtweet_media, I noticed that the tweet info was inside _json=(). So I added ._json onto the end of origtweet_media = api.get_status(mediaupload_id) as that just isolates the json section, allowing me to find the video url for tweet_media. Here's what the new updated line looks like:

    origtweet_media = api.get_status(mediaupload_id)._json

    and then it worked successfully!