I'm getting started with MVC, and I'm following this sample.
In it, we find that the Blog
type is contained in the Controller
's class file, in the Mvc3ViewDemo.Controllers
namespace. This is a bit of a no-no in design methodology, as each class should be kept in its own file. (At least that's my particular convention.)
But when we move it out to its own file—even using the same namespace—the Controller can no longer see it:
(In VB.NET, the top-level namespace Mvc3ViewDemo
is specified at the project level.)
I tried putting the file in both App_Code
and the project root:
Namespace Controllers
Public Class Blog
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Url As String
End Class
End Namespace
The view can see it:
@ModelType IEnumerable(Of Controllers.Blog)
ViewData("Title") = "Blog"
End Code
@For Each oBlog In Model
@<li><a href="@oBlog.Url">@oBlog.Name</a></li>
...but the Controller can't.
If we put it in the Models
folder, neither the Controller nor the View can see it.
Horror of horrors! Is MVC going to force me to put all of my classes in the same files as my controllers? What do we do when we need a model that's used by two or more controllers?
In addition, I'm unable to add an Imports
) statement for the target namespace to the Controller class file:
The problem was that the Blog
class file's Build Action was set to Content
. Apparently this is the default action for new code files created under App_Code
, which is why I missed it. It was right under my nose the whole time.
I set it to Compile
and now everything works as expected.
I've filed a bug report which may be reviewed here.