I would like to create a function that updates a data frame from a different environment. Specifically, I would like to update the labels of a data frame using the Hmisc::label()
assign_label <- function(df, col) {
col <- rlang::as_name(rlang::ensym(col))
Hmisc::label(df[,col]) <- fetch_label(col)
fetch_label <- function(col) {
val <- c("mpg" = "MPG",
"hp" = "HP")
The following code executes without issue: assign_label(mtcars, hp)
However, it does not actually alter the data frame in the calling environment. I just can't figure out how to make it do what I imagine.
Ideally, I would like to be able to pipe a dataframe to this function as such:
mtcars %>% assign_label(mpg)
1) Return modified object Modifying objects in place is discouraged in R. The usual way to do this is to return the data frame and then assign it to a new name or back to the original name clobbering or shadowing it.
assign_label <- function(df, col) {
col <- deparse(substitute(col))
Hmisc::label(df[[col]]) <- fetch_label(col)
mtcars_labelled <- mtcars %>% assign_label(mpg)
2) magrittr Despite what we have said above there are some facilties for modifying in place in R and in some R packages. The magrittr package provides a syntax for overwriting or shadowing the input. Using the definition in (1) we can write:
mtcars %<>% assign_label(mpg)
If mtcars were in the global environment it would ovewrite it with the new value but in this case mtcars is in datasets so a new mtcars is written to the caller and the original in datasets is unchanged.
3) replacement function Although not widely used, R does provide replacement functions which are defined and used like this. This does overwite or shadow the input.
`assign_label<-` <- function(df, value) {
Hmisc::label(df[[value]]) <- fetch_label(value)
assign_label(mtcars) <- "mpg"
As an aside, if the aim is for an interface that is consistent with tidyverse then use tidyselect to retrieve the column name(s) so that examples like the following work:
assign_labels <- function(df, col) {
nms <- names(select(df, {{col}}))
for(nm in nms) Hmisc::label(df[[nm]]) <- fetch_label(nm)
mtcars_labelled <- mtcars %>% assign_labels(starts_with("mp"))
mtcars_labelled <- mtcars %>% assign_labels(mpg|hp)