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How to use child type where abstract parent type is expected

This may be more of a covariance/contravariance issue. But I have the following classes:

public interface IOutputPort<in TUseCaseResponse>
    void Handle(TUseCaseResponse response);

//Abstract parent
public abstract class Response

//Concrete child
public class GenericResponse : Response

internal class MockPresenter<TResponse> : IOutputPort<TResponse> where TResponse : Response
    public void Handle(TResponse response)

public class LocationStore
    public void DoThing(IOutputPort<Response> outputPort)

The idea is that LocationStore should be able to accept an IOutputPort object that has a generic type that at least inherits from Response

I then try to call my function similar to:

var genericPresenter = new MockPresenter<GenericResponse>();
var store = new LocationStore();


But the compiler complains that Argument 1: cannot convert from 'MockPresenter<GenericResponse> to 'IOutputPort<Response>'

Even if I remove the contravariant modifier from IOutputPort I still get the same error. I might be missing something pretty obvious here, but I'm feeling a bit stuck. How do I design my DoThing method to accept an IOutputPort that can have any type inheriting from Response?

Passing in a generic as a type argument to LocationStore isn't an option, because the same instance needs to be able to call DoThing with several different output ports.


  • Well the easy solution is to just make DoThing generic:

    public void DoThing<TResponse>(IOutputPort<TResponse> outputPort) where TResponse : Response

    This makes it compile, and hopefully provide the functionality you need.

    As for why your design was not allowed consider the following:

    public class OutputPort<T>: IOutputPort<T>
        private List<T> _innerList;
        public void Handle(T response)

    Now if T is GenericResponse and you would be able to cast it to IOutputPort<Response> suddenly you would be able to add a Response to the List<GenericResponse> which hopefully is clear why it isn't allowed.