I want to run a script multiple time, and I don't know whether it's first run or not - so I have to ask, and if so, I'll declare it:
if (typeof variable == undefined) { let variable = new Set(); }
1.) re-declaring with let variable;
all the time throws an error
2.) This variable is live only in the "if" scope
3.) Command "let" require a full block if, ternary or "braclet-less if" throws an error
Can I change the scope of the variable? Just like the good-old var
- I have no problem with that, I just want to use Set (and also a good lecture to know whether it's possible or not)
Maybe some "declare if not declared" command?
I'm, not sure what are you trying to do exactly. Is the code run in the browser?
If so, you can try and omit var/let/const keywords:
if (typeof variable == undefined) { variable = new Set(); }
This will create a variable in the window object if it doesn't exist
[EDIT]: Of course, you can make it "better" by being explicit about the object where the global variable comes from.
for browsers this code would become:
if (typeof window.variable == undefined) { window.variable = new Set(); }
If you are working in a team this solution is better, but if you're just starting out or trying to learn, both are fine.