So I need to make a Rest service which will call data from an specific model.
In order to do this, I must create a controller.
I'm newbie with Odoo, also with Json, and I can't find anything that could work for this.
Far I have is all I need but in a http request.
class RestService(http.Controller):
@http.route('/orders/<model("sale.order"):order>', auth='none', website=True)
def consulta_orden(self , order):
return request.render('consulta_pedidos.order', {'order': order})
return {'order_id': order_id}
The idea is that when I hace the data loaded, I can render this data in a template. Already did this with an Http request, but I need it with Json. Any tip about how to implement it better.
I solved my problem in a very simple way.
The code:
@http.route(['/orden_detalle', '/orden_detalle/<int:order_id>'], type='json', auth='user')
def orden_detalle(self, order_id=None):
if order_id:
domain = [('id', '=', order_id)]
domain = []
sales_rec = request.env['sale.order'].search(domain)
sales = []
for rec in sales_rec:
vals = {
data = {'status': 200, 'response': sales, 'message': 'Sale(s) returned'}
return data
My source: