Search code examples

SQL - Update table column values using expression based on two tables

Using a Sqlite database, I have a users table and a ranks table with the following columns:

users table: id | rankid | xp

ranks table id | name | xpLowerLevel

My goal is update the rankId field for all user rows based on the xpLowerLevel field from the ranks table. My Sql expression as follows:

UPDATE users 
SET rankId = (SELECT id FROM ranks 
              WHERE xpLowerLevel <= users.xp  
              ORDER BY ABS(xpLowerLevel - users.xp) 
              LIMIT 1);

Which gives me the following error no such column: users.xp. What am I doing wrong ?


  • With FIRST_VALUE() window function:

    UPDATE users 
    SET rankId = (
      SELECT DISTINCT FIRST_VALUE(id) OVER (ORDER BY ABS(xpLowerLevel - users.xp))
      FROM ranks 
      WHERE xpLowerLevel <= users.xp  

    Or since there is already the condition:

    WHERE xpLowerLevel <= users.xp

    the difference:

    users.xp - xpLowerLevel

    is >= 0,
    so there is no need for the function ABS():

    UPDATE users 
    SET rankId = (
      SELECT DISTINCT FIRST_VALUE(id) OVER (ORDER BY users.xp - xpLowerLevel)
      FROM ranks 
      WHERE xpLowerLevel <= users.xp  