item sales
0 A 100
1 B 200
2 C 300
3 D 230
4 E 470
5 F 168
I have a dataset like above in pandas dataframe, and I wrote those data into an Excel file using xlwings, but I don't want to the series index column on the left (0,1,2,3,4...). How do I only import the table without a number index column?
Well, you didn't share your code.
I used this:
data = [['A',100],['B',200],['C',300],['D',230],['E',470],['F',168]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['item','sales'])
wb = xw.Book()
wb = xw.Book(r'C:\Users\XXXXXXX\Documents\xport.xlsx')
sht1 = wb.sheets['Hoja1']
sht1.range('A1').options(pd.DataFrame, index=False).value = df
If I open the excel I find this: