I have the following table:
id | decided_at | reviewer
1 2020-08-10 13:00 john
2 2020-08-10 14:00 john
3 2020-08-10 16:00 john
4 2020-08-12 14:00 jane
5 2020-08-12 17:00 jane
6 2020-08-12 17:50 jane
7 2020-08-12 19:00 jane
What I would like to do is get the difference between the min
and max
for each day and get the total count
from the id's that are the min, the range between min and max, and the max. Currently, I'm only able to get this data for the past day.
Desired output:
Date | Time(h) | Count | reviewer
2020-08-10 3 3 john
2020-08-12 5 4 jane
From this, I would like to get the average show this data over the past x number of days.
Example: If today was the 13th, filter on the past 2 days (48 hours) Output:
reviewer | reviews/hour
jane 5/4 = 1.25
Example 2: If today was the 13th, filter on the past 3 days (48 hours)
reviewer | reviews/hour
john 3/3 = 1
jane 5/4 = 1.25
Ideally, if this is possible in LookML without the use of a derived table, it would be nicest to have that. Otherwise, a solution in SQL would be great and I can try to convert to LookerML.
In SQL, one solution is to use two levels of aggregation:
select reviewer, sum(cnt) / sum(diff_h) review_per_hour
from (
date(decided_at) decided_date,
count(*) cnt,
timestampdiff(hour, min(decided_at), max(decided_at)) time_h
from mytable
where decided_at >= current_date - interval 2 day
group by reviewer, date(decided_at)
) t
group by reviewer
The subquery filters on the date range, aggregates by reviewer and day, and computes the number of records and the difference between the minimum and the maximum date, as hours. Then, the outer query aggregates by reviewer and does the final computation.
The actual function to compute the date difference varies across databases; timestampdiff()
is supported in MySQL - other engines all have alternatives.