Hello I have a json file as payload and strugling to do Transformation to lower case of elements and they values.
"Name" : "John".
"e-mails" : ['Email1@mail.com','email2@Gmail.com']
if its no array in values then this one works fine like where
but how to deal with arrays?
expected output:
"name" : "john".
"e-mails" : ['email1@mail.com','email2@gmail.com']
any advice?
You need to use a recursive function to cover for the other types.
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
%function lowerAll(x)
x match {
:object -> $ mapObject {
(lower $$): lowerAll($) // assumes all keys are strings
:array -> $ map lowerAll($),
:string -> lower $,
default -> $
"Name" : "John",
"e-mails" : ["E1mail1@mail.com","email2@Gmail.com"]
"name": "john",
"e-mails": [