So I have a pandas data frame that shows the number of shots taken and the number of goals scored for a list of hockey games from different coordinates. The data frame lists the shots and goals like this (4, 2), and I want to add another column that divides the goals by the shots to give shot percentage for each coordinate. So far here is my code...
key in contents['liveData']['plays']['allPlays']:
# for plays in key['result']['event']:
# print(key)
if (key['result']['event'] == "Shot"):
scoordinates = (key['coordinates']['x'], key['coordinates']['y'])
if scoordinates not in shots:
shots[scoordinates] = (1, 0)
shots[scoordinates] = tuple(map(sum, zip((1, 0), shots[scoordinates])))
if (key['result']['event'] == "Goal"):
gcoordinates = (key['coordinates']['x'], key['coordinates']['y'])
if gcoordinates not in shots:
shots[gcoordinates] = (1, 1)
shots[gcoordinates] = tuple(map(sum, zip((1, 1), shots[gcoordinates])))
#create data frame using pandas
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None)
sdf = pd.DataFrame(list(shots.items()),columns = ['Coordinates','Occurences (S, G)'])
this gives the result data frame this--
Coordinates Occurences (S, G)
0 (78.0, -19.0) (2, 1)
1 (-37.0, -10.0) (2, 0)
2 (47.0, -23.0) (3, 1)
3 (53.0, 14.0) (1, 0)
4 (77.0, -2.0) (8, 4)
5 (80.0, 1.0) (12, 5)
6 (74.0, 14.0) (7, 0)
7 (87.0, -3.0) (1, 1)
If anyone can help that would be great!
Try this:
df['new_col']=df['old_col'].apply( lambda x: x[1]/x[0])