I copy and pasted the weather information from the following website "weather underground" for some data analysis and the data looks like below:
As you can see, the temperature and other information all have the text with it so I cannot conduct any calculation. In the excel, I used substitute(xx,"F","") to remove the F from the "Temperature" column, but then I wanted to convert Farenheit to Celcius using convert(xx,"F","C"), I could not get the outcome. I think there is something wrong with the data itself. I formatted the cell into number or copy and paste the value to a new column, but neither of them worked.
Then I import the data.frame into R and try to do some data formating using R. I checked the class of the Temperature column, which shows "character":
a$Temperature <- gsub("F","",a$Temperature)
# this command remmoved "F"
#Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion
#still the same warning message
From the excel, I created the new column removing "F" from temperature, and used this in R to convert "character" to "numeric", I still got the warning message. I don't know how to deal with this problem. Could someone help me with this? Thank you!
As recommended below, I am pasting the output from
#structure(list(Time = structure(c(-2209075140, -2209074840, -2209074540,
-2209074240, -2209073940, -2209073640), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt")), Temperature = c("60.0 ", "59.9 ", "59.8 ", "59.7 ",
"59.6 ", "59.5 "), `T(F)` = c("60.0 ", "59.9 ", "59.8 ", "59.7 ",
"59.6 ", "59.5 "), `Dew Point` = c("48.2 F", "48.1 F", "48.4 F",
"48.3 F", "48.2 F", "48.1 F"), Humidity = c("65 %", "65 %", "66 %",
"66 %", "66 %", "66 %"), Wind = c("WSW", "WSW", "WSW", "WSW",
"WSW", "WSW"), Speed = c("0.0 mph", "0.0 mph", "0.0 mph", "0.0 mph",
"0.0 mph", "0.0 mph"), Gust = c("0.0 mph", "0.0 mph", "0.0 mph",
"0.0 mph", "0.0 mph", "0.0 mph"), Pressure = c("29.88 in", "29.88 in",
"29.88 in", "29.88 in", "29.88 in", "29.88 in"), `Precip. Rate.` = c("0.00 in",
"0.00 in", "0.00 in", "0.00 in", "0.00 in", "0.00 in"), `Precip. Accum.` = c("0.00 in",
"0.00 in", "0.00 in", "0.00 in", "0.00 in", "0.00 in"), UV = c(0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0), Solar = c("0 w/m²", "0 w/m²", "0 w/m²", "0 w/m²",
"0 w/m²", "0 w/m²")), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
If you want to convert only Temperature column, here is an option you may consider.
df <- structure(list(Time = c("12:04 AM", "12:09 AM", "12:14 AM", "12:19 AM",
"12:24 AM", "12:29 AM"), Temperature = c("69.4 F", "69.2 F",
"68.8 F", "68.5 F", "68.3 F", "68.0 F"), Dew.Point = c("45.9 F",
"46.0 F", "45.8 F", "45.7 F", "45.7 F", "45.7 F"), Humidity = c("43 %",
"43 %", "44 %", "44 %", "44 %", "45 %"), Wind = c("NE", "NE",
"NE", "NE", "NE", "NE"), Speed = c("0.0 mph", "0.0 mph", "0.0 mph",
"0.0 mph", "0.0 mph", "0.0 mph"), Gust = c("0.0 mph", "0.0 mph",
"0.0 mph", "0.0 mph", "0.0 mph", "0.0 mph"), Pressure = c("29.93 in",
"29.94 in", "29.94 in", "29.95 in", "29.95 in", "29.95 in"),
Precip..Rate. = c("0.00 in", "0.00 in", "0.00 in", "0.00 in",
"0.00 in", "0.00 in"), Precip..Accum. = c("0.00 in", "0.00 in",
"0.00 in", "0.00 in", "0.00 in", "0.00 in"), UV = c(0L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Solar = c("0 w/m²", "0 w/m²", "0 w/m²",
"0 w/m²", "0 w/m²", "0 w/m²")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
df2 <- df %>%
mutate(Temperature2 = as.numeric(str_extract(Temperature, "[\\d\\.]+"))) %>%
relocate(Temperature2, .after = Temperature)
df2[, 2:3]
# Temperature Temperature2
# 1 69.4 F 69.4
# 2 69.2 F 69.2
# 3 68.8 F 68.8
# 4 68.5 F 68.5
# 5 68.3 F 68.3
# 6 68.0 F 68.0
# num [1:6] 69.4 69.2 68.8 68.5 68.3 68