I am making an api call within angular subsink
as follows:
import {SubSink} from 'subsink';
async clickButton() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.Id.length; i++) {
const hostId = await this.serviceA.Status(this.hostName[i]);
this.subs.sink = this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId))
.subscribe(s => {
if (i === this.Id.length - 1) {
Here this.Id
is of type any
Now I want to make another api call after the successful completion of this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId)
And, I am doing it by adding another subs.subsink
as below:
import {SubSink} from 'subsink';
async clickButton() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.Id.length; i++) {
const hostId = await this.serviceA.Status(this.hostName[i]);
this.subs.sink = this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId))
.subscribe(s => {
if (i === this.Id.length - 1) {
this.subs.sink = this.serviceC.runRetry(hostId))
.subscribe(s => {
if (i === thisserverId.length - 1) {
This is closing the dialog box after this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId))
and not calling this.serviceC.runRetry(hostId))
With Using Observables
You can use forkJoin
and switchMap
operator of Rxjs
Check documentation of forkjoin
and also
Check documentation of switchMap
With using the operators you can rewrite your code like
forkJoin(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map(hostName => {
return this.serviceA.Status(hostName).pipe(
switchMap(hostId => this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId).pipe(map((dbEntry) => ({dbEntry, hostId})))),
switchMap(resp => this.serviceC.runEntry(resp.hostId))
})).subscribe(() => this.dialog.close());
With Using Promises
Promise.all(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map(hostName =>
.then(hostId => this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId).then(() => hostId))
.then(hostId => this.serviceC.runEntry(hostId))
)).then(() => this.dialog.close())