I want to add the % sign on MAX and MIN output on KUSTO. how I can do that if possible. example:
Date time source MAX Min
8/27/2020, 12:00:00.000 PM C4592E37E9A 19.43 14.91
8/21/2020, 1:00:00.000 PM 2E3437E9A5C 31.97 16.37
Date time source MAX Min
8/27/2020, 12:00:00.000 PM C4592E37E9A 19.43% 14.91%
8/21/2020, 1:00:00.000 PM 2E3437E9A5C 31.97% 16.37%
on TimeGenerated, Resource
| summarize in_Gbps = max(MaxInBps)/10000000000* 100, out_Gbps =
max(MaxOutBps)/10000000000 * 100 by bin(TimeGenerated, 60m), Resource
so I need the output of in_Gbps/out_Gbps to have "%"
you could use strcat()
for example:
print p1 = 75.56
| extend p2 = strcat(p1, "%")
p1 | p2
75.56 | 75.56%