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How to communicate with a running Docker container in a Host X from another Host Y(not from a container in Host Y)

I am experimenting about Docker-networking, I had set up a scenario as below,

Installed docker in a host-X connected over a network (host-X IP: and run a basic docker container of ubuntu-OS (Docker Container is connected to the default docker bridge network only i.e. & is container IP). Now trying to communicate that running container from another host-Y with in the same network (host-Y IP: in which no docker is installed.

I had added basic route in host-Y like, "ip route add via dev ens3" .

From the container i am able to ping the Host-Y & in reverse case, i am only able to ping the docker gateway "" from Host-Y but not able to reach the container.


  • There are a wide variety of situations where the Docker-internal IP addresses just aren't useful; calling from a different host is one of them. You should totally ignore those as an implementation detail.

    If you take Docker out of the picture, and run the process directly on the host, this should be straightforward: from host Y, you can call the process on host X given its DNS name and the port the server is running on.

    hostY$ curl http://hostX:12345/

    If the process is actually running in a Docker container, you need to make sure you've started the container with a published port. This doesn't necessarily need to match the port the process is listening on.

    hostX$ docker run -p 12345:12345 imagename

    Once you've done this, the process can be reached via the host's DNS name or IP address, and the published port, the same way as with a non-container server.

    In normal circumstances you should not need to think about the Docker-internal IP addresses; you do not need manual ip route-setup commands like you show, and you shouldn't docker inspect or docker run --ip to find or set this detail.