I have an excel sheet. I want it to be mapped to a json profile.
I want to convert into json like
"Scope" : {
"Content owner" : "",
"Language" : "",
"Territory" : ""
"Title" : {
"Content ID" : "",
"Billing ID" : "",
"IMDB" : "",
"Name" : "",
"Episode Number" : "",
"Episode Sequence" : "",
"Container Position" : "",
"Run Length" : "",
"Work Type" : "",
"Short Synopsis" : "",
"Long Synopsis" : "",
"Original Language" : "",
"Rating Set1" : "",
"Rating Set2" : "",
"Rating Set3" : "",
"Rating Set4" : "",
"Rating Set5" : "".....
Like this... the row would be main object and the next row would be the second object ... and next the actual data is to be mapped. I tried but I am unable to get it dynamically. I used some static index values but wasn't satisfied with the outcome.
Any help is appreciated
Thank you!
Dataweave won't be able to solve it 100% in a dynamic way. You may try to use the following expression:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
//endIndex: use -1 to include all remaining fields
fun addFields(item, startColIdx, endColIdx) =
(item pluck (value, key, index) -> (key): value) filter ($$ >= startColIdx and (endColIdx == -1 or $$ <= endColIdx)) reduce ($$ ++ $)
payload map(item, index) -> {
'Scope': addFields(item, 0, 2),
'Title': addFields(item, 3, -1)
You can use another version of the above expression, but instead of considering the start and end column index, you could consider start column index and column count (get 3 columns starting from index 0 instead of get columns from column index 0 to column index 2):
%dw 2.0
output application/json
//endIndex: use -1 to include all remaining columns
fun addFields(item, startColIdx, colCnt) =
(item pluck (value, key, index) -> (key): value) filter ($$ >= startColIdx and (colCnt == -1 or $$ < startColIdx + colCnt)) reduce ($$ ++ $)
payload map(item, index) -> {
'Scope': addFields(item, 0, 3),
'Title': addFields(item, 3, -1)