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Can not execute controller test with @SpringBootTest

I have a Spring Boot application. Version is 2.3.1.

Main Application looks like:

public class LocalServiceApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
    private final DataService dataService;
    private final QrReaderServer qrReaderServer;
    private final MonitoringService monitoringService;

    public void run(String... args) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

After the application is started I have to execute 3 distinct steps which have done with CommandLineRunner:

  • first gets remote data and store it locally (for test profile this step is skipped)
  • start async folder monitoring for file uploads with WatchService.
  • launch TCP server

I have a controller like:

public class CarParkController {
    private final PermissionService permissionService;

    public CarParkPermission createPermission(@RequestBody @Valid CarParkPermission permission) {
        return permissionService.createPermission(permission);

Ant test with Junit 5 looks like:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
class CarParkControllerIntegrationTest {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;
    private PermissionService permissionService;
    private final Gson gson = new Gson();

    void testCreatingNewPermissionSuccess() throws Exception {
        CarParkPermission permission = CarParkPermission.builder()



    private <T> ResultActions postPermission(T instance) throws Exception {
        return this.mockMvc.perform(post("/v1/permissions")

Looks like it should work fine.

However, the test isn't executed:

2020-08-27 14:42:30.308  INFO 21800 --- [           main] c.s.i.CarParkControllerIntegrationTest   : Started CarParkControllerIntegrationTest in 8.593 seconds (JVM running for 10.03)
2020-08-27 14:42:30.334  INFO 21800 --- [           main] c.s.s.s.DataServiceTestImpl     : Fetch data for test profile is skipped
2020-08-27 14:42:30.336 DEBUG 21800 --- [   carpark-ex-1] c.s.monitoring.MonitoringServiceImpl     : START_MONITORING Results from Cameras for folder: D:\results-from-camera
2020-08-27 14:42:30.751 DEBUG 21800 --- [           main] c.s.netty.TCPServer              : TCP Server is STARTED : port 9090

After those lines execution hangs up forever.


Here are details for monitoring task:

public void launchMonitoring() {
    log.debug("START_MONITORING Results from Cameras for folder: {}", properties.getFolder());
    try {
        WatchKey key;
        while ((key = watchService.take()) != null) {
            for (WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents()) {

                WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind = event.kind();
                if (kind == ENTRY_CREATE) {
          "FILE_CREATED: {}", event.context());
                    // processing resource

                } else if (kind == ENTRY_DELETE) {
          "RESOURCE_DELETED: {}", event.context());
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        log.error("interrupted exception for monitoring service", e);

Also AsyncConfiguration is configured with TaskExecutor.

Launch method from TCPServer looks:

public void launchServer() {
    try {
        ChannelFuture serverChannelFuture = serverBootstrap.bind(hostAddress).sync();
        log.debug("TCP Server is STARTED : port {}", hostAddress.getPort());

        serverChannel =;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } finally {

How to solve this issue?


  • Have understood that execution is blocked (thanks to M.Deinum).

    So changed the last method for:

    public void launchServer() { 
        // ...

    And shifted to ObjectMapper instead of Gson for converting instance to JSON format:

    class CarParkControllerIntegrationTest {
        private MockMvc mockMvc;
        private ObjectMapper mapper;
        void testCreatingNewPermissionSuccess() throws Exception {
            CarParkPermission permission = CarParkPermission.builder()
        private <T> ResultActions postPermission(T instance) throws Exception {
            return this.mockMvc.perform(post("/v1/permissions")

    And finally, it works fine.