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Representation of a quadtree string

I am given a string in this form ppeeefpffeefe. Values:

  • p represents parent node
  • e represents empty node
  • f represents a full node

Image that represents this string can be seen here:

I am writing code in Haskell and trying to convert this representation into 1024 long list of integers where 1 represents the black (full) pixel and 0 represents white (empty) pixel assuming the image size is 32x32 pixels.

This is the code I have but Haskell is giving me trouble. I know that I need to keep track of how many parent nodes I have visited and update highest level that way. I am trying to take DFS approach but anything that will do a job will help.

getQuad :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
getQuad tree level highestLevel pCount result | (node == 'p') = result ++ (getQuad (drop 1 tree) (level+1) level 0 result)
                                              | (node == 'e')  = result ++ (getQuad (drop 1 tree) level highestLevel pCount (result ++ (take (getAmount level) [0,0..])))
                                              | (node == 'f') = result ++ (getQuad (drop 1 tree) level highestLevel pCount (result ++ (take (getAmount level) [1,1..])))
                                              | otherwise = result
                                                    node = g

getNodeValue :: String -> Char
getNodeValue tree = if (length tree > 0) then tree !! 0 else 'x'

getAmount :: Int -> Int
getAmount l = 1024 `div` (4^l)

Thank you!


  • I think you're trying to do way too much in a single function. I recommend starting over, and explicitly introducing separate parsing phases (to convert your String to an ADT representing it) and production phases (to convert a value of the ADT to a list of Ints). For example, a suitable ADT might look like this:

    data QuadTree = Parent QuadTree QuadTree QuadTree QuadTree
                  | Empty
                  | Full
                  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

    There are various techniques and libraries for parsing. Given your apparent level of expertise, and the simplicity of the format, I think I might recommend starting by writing the parser by hand and ignoring error-handling. Later you could think about learning about error-handling tools like Maybe or Either and parsing combinator libraries like parsec and friends to make it more flexible to changes in the language.

    So, by hand and ignoring error-handling. Here's the skeleton I would put in place and try to fill out. Our parser needs to not just consume a String, but also be able to consume just part of a String and say what's left over: when handling a nested parent node, we need to return to the outer parent the chunk of the string that the inner parent didn't consume. So:

    parseQuadTree :: String -> (String, QuadTree)
    parseQuadTree ('p':rest) = -- TODO: exercise for the reader
    parseQuadTree ('e':rest) = (rest, Empty)
    parseQuadTree ('f':rest) = (rest, Full)
    parseQuadTree other = error $ "parsing failed, expected a p, e, or f, but got " ++ other ++ " instead"

    For example, we might expect the following ghci exchanges once we'd finished this function:

    > parseQuadTree "e"
    ("", Empty)
    > parseQuadTree "eef"
    ("ef", Empty)
    > parseQuadTree "peeeeef"
    ("ef", QuadTree Empty Empty Empty Empty)

    Once you have that, then I'd try to cook up a sensible representation of the 2d result. Perhaps a nested list would do:

    type Image = [[Int]]

    For example, you might interpret each element of the outer list as a row of the image; its elements are the columns of that row. The three basic operations you need for this thing are pasting images side-by-side horizontally and vertically and creating a blank image.

    hcat, vcat :: Image -> Image -> Image
    hcat = -- TODO: exercise for the reader
    vcat = -- TODO: exercise for the reader
    blank :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Image
    blank w h pixel = -- TODO: exercise for the reader
    -- OR, you could take just one size argument; we only ever need
    -- square blank images in the following code

    For example, you might expect these ghci exchanges once we'd finished implementing them:

    > :set +m
    > let x = [[0, 1]
    |         ,[2, 3]
    |         ]
    |     y = [[4, 5]
    |         ,[6, 7]
    |         ]
    > hcat x y
    > vcat x y
    > blank 2 3 4

    Now you can write a function which converts a QuadTree to an Image. We'll have to know how big the image is supposed to be, so let's make that an argument to the function.

    renderQuadTree :: Int -> QuadTree -> Image
    renderQuadTree size (Parent nw ne sw se) = -- TODO: exercise for the reader; use hcat and vcat
        where subtreeSize = size `div` 2
    renderQuadTree size Empty = blank size size 0
    renderQuadTree size Full = blank size size 1

    For example, we might expect some such exchanges at ghci once this is finished:

    > renderQuadTree 2 Empty
    > renderQuadTree 2 Full
    > renderQuadTree 2 (Parent Empty Full Full Empty)
    > renderQuadTree 4 (Parent Empty (Parent Full Empty Empty Full) Empty Full)

    Finally we could make a top-level function that combines all these into one convenient piece.

    getQuad :: String -> [Int]
    getQuad s = case parseQuadTree s of
        ("", t) -> concat (renderQuadTree 32 t)
        (s', _) -> error $ "parser did not consume the entire description string, leftovers are: " ++ s