I am trying to deploy a single firewall resource with Google Cloud Deployment Manager. I want the firewall to block just my own ip address from accessing my App Engine app that is already deployed at https://cloudfunctiongateway.uc.r.appspot.com/. However, I am getting an error:
location: /deployments/firewall-deployment2/resources/app-firewall
message: '{"ResourceType":"compute.v1.firewall","ResourceErrorCode":"400","ResourceErrorMessage":{"code":400,"message":"Request
contains an invalid argument.","status":"INVALID_ARGUMENT","statusMessage":"Bad
Here is my config file in firewall.yaml
- type: compute.v1.firewall
name: app-firewall
network: https://cloudfunctiongateway.uc.r.appspot.com/
- IPProtocol: # a fake ip address, I use my real one
sourceRanges: [ ]
And I am running this command in the same directory:
gcloud deployment-manager deployments create firewall-deployment --config firewall.yaml
I have even tried to deploy with just this in my config file:
- type: compute.v1.firewall
name: app-firewall
But still get the same error message. Any way to fix this? Note I want to be able to do this with Deployment Manager. I already know I can manually setup a firewall from the App Engine Dashboard.
What you actually need is to create a firewall rule for App Engine application which is a different thing from the GCP Firewall - those are two different things.
So - in order to do this try running this:
- name: dmapprule1
type: gcp-types/appengine-v1:apps.firewall.ingressRules
appsId: 00c61b117c74f1a3bbcb4900df618a4c4ae211790ade0822a63cb492d671f318776a5a
priority: 1000
action: "DENY"
source_range: ""
and run it with gcloud deployment-manager deployments create firewall-deployment --config firewall.yaml
To see a full list of supported types use gcloud beta deployment-manager types list
(beta version list is much more comprehensive).