This code gets the current price of a stock and its current 21-day EMA.
import yfinance as yf
import numpy as np
import bs4
import stockquotes
import pandas as pd
symbol_name = ['F', 'XOM']
symbol_data = {}
for symbol in symbol_name:
ticker = stockquotes.Stock(symbol)
today_price = ticker.current_price
symbol_data[symbol] = today_price
ema_data = {}
for x in symbol_name:
symbol = yf.Ticker(x)
quote = symbol.history(period='1mo',interval='1d')
quote = quote.sort_index()
ema = 21
quote['ewm'] = quote['Close'].ewm(span=ema,min_periods=0,adjust=False,ignore_na=False).mean()
ema_quote = quote['ewm'].iloc[-1]
ema_data[x] = ema_quote
{'F': 6.82, 'XOM': 40.01}
{'F': 6.912368574990924, 'XOM': 42.168230541483716}
My question is how to code the following:
If a one of the stock's EMA is lower than it's current price then put it into a new dictionary.
Can someone direct me on how to get this?
dict1 = {'F': 6.82, 'XOM': 40.01}
dict2 = {'F': 6.912368574990924, 'XOM': 42.168230541483716}
dict3 = {}
for key in dict1.keys():
if dict1.get(key) < dict2.get(key):
dict3[key] = dict2.get(key)
Output :
{'F': 6.912368574990924, 'XOM': 42.168230541483716}