I want to change the text present on the swagger authorization UI screen.
I want to change the Authorized label to Stored.
Please find the below screenshot from swagger UI authorization screen
The reason I want to change it as it is miss leading. If the user passes an invalid credential still it is showing as authorized.
Actual validation of Username and password is happening once we execute the request.
I am also good if anyone has an answer to validate the credentials once we hit the Authorize button as shown below.
Note: I am using Spring-boot, Spring security, and springdoc
Any thought or ideas will be appreciated
Thank you !!
sprindoc-openapi project relies on swagger-ui configuration properties and there is no such configuration property in this project:
You can ask the swagger-ui team, to this kind of configuration property. If you don't want depend on their tasks priority, you can simply rebbuild the swagger-ui webjars that are available here or use the exploded mode of the webjars, where you can modify the static resources: