Today is the first day i'm playing with SVN. However 1 situation i cant solve:
I checkout on 2 pc's The first pc's Pc changes something in a file and commits. The second pc then tries to commit:
Commit failed (details follow):
File '/classes/ghjs.html' is out of date
I have to run update on the second pc, it gets the new file from pc 1, then i can commit properly again, however changes done before updating are lost.
SVN isn't that awesome if you have to commit / update before you can write a line of code else other people working on te same file don't have you latest version.
I understand there isn't somethink for "live" collaboration, however there must be something that if you were working on a old version, instead of update you can manually "port" your changes to the latest version.
Im using "versions" as svn client and textwrangler as editor for editing php code.
I have to run update on the second pc, it gets the new file from pc 1, then i can commit properly again, however changes done before updating are lost.
No, they aren't lost. They are merged into your local copy (just as you expect them to be), and after updating you can commit to add them to the repository. If the merge results in conflicts you will be notified, but still no work will be lost.
If you lost your changes after an update you did something wrong -- I 'm not familiar at all with Versions so I can't say.