I have a requirement where NVDA screen reader should read the error messages (dynamically displayed) on the lwc. I have an array with list of error messages and used to display them. However these messages are never read by NVDA Speech viewer. I tried adding aria-hidden="true", aria-live="assertive" and role="alert" along with aria-atomic="true" to tag but none of them working. Unable to find the issue, can anyone please help? Here is the code:
<ul aria-live="assertive">
<template for:each={Errors} for:item="err">
<li class="slds-text-align--right" key={err}>{err}</li>
<ul role="alert" aria-atomic="true">
<template for:each={Errors} for:item="err">
<li class="slds-text-align--right" key={err}>{err}</li>
You will need to set the aria-atomic
attribute on the element, it is used to set whether or not the screen reader should always present the live region as a whole, even if only part of the region changes.
Also, you need to add an aria-relevant
attribute so that you can tell the screen reader that what type of change you did.
Possible values for the above attributes:
[default: false]
Try this
<ul aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" aria-relevant="additions">
<template for:each={Errors} for:item="err">
<li class="slds-text-align--right" key={err}>{err}</li>