I am triyng to port WebKit (Qt5.5.1) plugin to WebEngine (Qt5.11.3) one as described here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebenginewidgets-qtwebkitportingguide.html Building and running in Ubuntu 18.04 I get following errors:
QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled
and then
Could not find QtWebEngineProcess
I am not sure if first one is related to second but second one leads to crash.
I put QtWebEngineProcess from Qt/libexec
dir to dir with binary and now second error changed to:
WebEngineContext used before initialize() or OpenGL context creation failed.
still crashes.
Problem was in missed dependency files.
Our cmake
build copied only auto-determined dependencies (libs) from the Qt folder to the app folder. But for a full deploy a QtWebEngine app needs few non-libs dependencies such as QtWebEngineProcess
executable xcbglintegrations
plugins (first error) and WebEngine resources. This instruction https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebengine-deploying.html have most of details.
It worked for me with Qt5.12.9. With Qt5.11.3 I still had some problem.