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rxdb: migration of document failed final document does not match final schema

I just changed my rxdb schema version from 0 to 1 in order to add a deletedAt attribute. I added a migration strategy for going from ver 0 to 1.

Now I'm getting this error: "migration of document failed final document does not match final schema". The final doc is in screenshot below:

console error from react app using rxdb

I thought maybe I had to add the _rev field; adding _rev to schema didn't remove the error, so I've taken it back out. Ditto with a deleted field (complains I can't add it as a top-level attribute). So I am at a loss as to why else the final object differs from the expected schema?

type info

export type TodoType = {
  id: string
  text: string
  isCompleted: boolean
  createdAt: string
  updatedAt: string
  deletedAt: string
export const todoSchema: RxJsonSchema<TodoType> = {
  title: 'todo schema',
  description: 'todo schema',
  version: 1, // just changed this from 0 to 1
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    id: {
      type: 'string',
      primary: true
    text: {
      type: 'string'
    isCompleted: {
      type: 'boolean'
    createdAt: {
      type: 'string',
      format: 'date-time',
      // index: true,   
    updatedAt: {
      type: 'string',
      format: 'date-time'
    deletedAt: {
      type: 'string',
      format: 'date-time'
  required: ['id', 'text', 'isCompleted', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'deletedAt'],
  indexes: ['createdAt']

migrator code

  await myDatabase.collection({
    name: 'todos',
    schema: todoSchema,
    methods: todoMethods,
    statics: todoCollectionMethods,
    migrationStrategies: {
      // 1 means, this transforms data from version 0 to version 1
      1: function(oldDoc: TodoDocument) {
        oldDoc.updatedAt = oldDoc.updatedAt === '' ? oldDoc.createdAt : oldDoc.updatedAt
        oldDoc.deletedAt = oldDoc.deleted ? oldDoc.updatedAt : ''
        return oldDoc;


  • The problem was that deletedAt, which I had just added, was defined like this in the json schema:

        deletedAt: {
          type: 'string',
          format: 'date-time'

    ... and I was defaulting the value to '' (empty string) when I was creating version 0 objects. And an empty string is invalid for date-time format in json schema. So when the objects were being migrated to version 1, the transform ended up with an object that had deletedAt, which doesn't pass validation.


    Not sure why some kind of validation didn't kick in while saving the version 0 objects, only when it came time to migrate them.